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Re: Patriots Rule!

One nice thing (for us radio junkies) was the return of local radio.  WEEI 
usually goes to ESPN's network feed overnight, but when the Patriots won, 
Glenn and Fred stayed on till 2 AM, and then Wallach and Dickerson came on 
to do live radio till 6 AM, just like radio used to  be.  (Yes, I know WBZ 
is live and local overnight, but many other AMs in the market abandoned 
that years ago...)  And watch for various Patriots players to be on 
Letterman, Leno, and who knows where else... btw, who will do the "I'm 
going to Disney World!" commercial-- this team played all season as a team, 
so will they do the commercial as a team too?  Team of destiny, 
folks.  Team of destiny!