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RE: WJUL "Lowell SunRise"

Joe Pappalardo writes:

.I have to
> think that this
> effort will serve the Gr. Lowell population more than playing
> alternative-type rock at 7AM.

The role of WJUL is to serve both the community, at large, as well as the
students of the school, both the students listening and the students
volunteering as the organization.  It is the role of that school to provide the
students with the necessary tools to make any organization successful and to
serve as an enhancement to the educational experience.

The very fact that the school, citing a need (increased P.R.), opted not to
bring this to the students, (internally and at-large) and to go straight to a
politically-laden media source for the solution is egregious.  Would a solid
morning news program serve WJUL well?  Certainly.  Opportunity knocks for a
university ripe with a college of business, political science, music, English,
engineering.  If that breadth and width of resources was not so much as
consulted before going out for a no-bid contract, then the sniff-test is failed,
yet again.

Bill O'Neill
Former WJUL PD, AVS Pres. (early 80s)