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Re: WSRS ( W1XOJ )

At 10:29 AM 7/10/2003, Sean Smyth wrote:
>I would be surprised if Entercom hasn't pitched a WAAF-for-WSRS straight-up
>swap to Clear Channel in the past. What WAAF would lose in signal strength
>from 107.3, it would gain in metro signal with a moved-in 96.1 (and a
>bought-off 95.9 ... is there any other allocation WATD could move to, or are
>they essentially cooked if they were to bail from 95.9?). And WSRS would
>still have a strong signal in Woosta on 107.3.
>Of course, this also violates the basic "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"
>mantra, but I'm sure Entercom might be able to solve this by greasing a few

Again, there is no way WSRS (96.1) can effectively move their signal into 
Boston.  It is not going to happen - they're as close to Boston as they're 
going to get without going directional (because of WATD) and if they went 
directional it still wouldn't get a good Boston signal...WATD covers too 
much of the city.   WSRS can only sacrifice a solid Worcester signal in 
favor of a lousy Boston signal.  It's a lose-lose situation.

There is nowhere for WATD to go...certainly nowhere on an adjacent channel, 
down is WHRB (95.3) and WBRU (95.5)...up is WSRS and WTKK (96.9).  Anywhere 
else would be a new allocation and therefore subject to auction rules, 
where they'd probably get out-bid on their own license!

The funny thing is that WAAF's real problem is not Kiss108/WXKS and 
Magic106.7/WMJX....THAT problem could be easily solved by WAAF moving to 
the Prudential tower.  2nd adjacent interference is rarely a problem when 
you co-locate the sticks.   Fun107.1/WFHN in New Bedford would be 
troublesome, but nothing a directional null to the south couldn't 
fix.   The problem with the idea is that WAAF on the Pru would be a lot 
harder pressed to have their service contour cover their city of license: 
Worcester.  It'd be a close call at best and the FCC takes a VERY dim view 
about a station changing their COL.

For what it is worth, when WAAF does move to Westborough, they ought to 
come in better in Cambridge and some of Boston (Allston-Brighton, notably), 
the directional lobe aims more to the north of the city, but it's 
retreating from areas like Medfield & Westwood.

Aaron "Bishop" Read             aread@speakeasy.net
FriedBagels Consulting          AOL-IM: readaaron
http://www.friedbagels.com      Boston, MA