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RE: CNN: All the news that we see fit to print

>you wrote--
>Excuse me, Donna.  I find a vast difference between a network that is
>pro-American by choice and voluntarily shows this enthusiasm in its
>reporting.  Fox makes no bones about the fact that it is pro-American.  I
>don't think, however, that its scripts are approved by the CIA before

Actually, based on what I have seen on Fox, their scripts are approved by 
the CIA or the Pentagon, or at least express the views of the 
administration and the spin the administration wants. The head of Fox has 
admitted he advises the President, a blatant conflict of interest.  While 
Fox has every right to be "pro American", name-calling and insulting those 
with whom they disagree is not ethical and should not be called 
'news'.  It's entertainment mixed in with some journalism.  But we may have 
to agree to disagree on this.  I find Fox to be very biased and that 
worries me.  I find NPR equally biased.  I find CNN struggling to stay in 
the middle and sometimes they don't succeed.  But at least they try.