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Re: Boston Globe Online / Metro | Region / WPRI reporter's link to club st irs ethical questions

I feel for Jeff as it has been stated over the past 2 days the only 
reason he left 7 for 12 was to be closer to his family in Warwick. I 
would suspect he may have taken a paycut to do that as 12 is not known 
for lavish spending.

How 12 handles the aftermath will be interesting. Will they want a 
reporter on the air that is directly involved with the worst disaster in 
state history? We have no idea yet who the state will go after on this 
but rest assured they will target someone. The insurance issue will also 
be ugly. How will 6 and 10 handle this?

60 years ago a busboy became the scapegoat for the Cocunut Grove for 
lighting a match to change a lightbulb because the print media demanded 
blood. I fear the same thing will happen in RI.

On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 3:58PM -0500, Dave Faneuf wrote:
> ---------- "Dan Billings" <billings@suscom-maine.net> writes:
> , but in many of the stories that I heard yesterday, the
> reporters seemed to be in a rush to judgment with fingers pointed in 
> one
> direction: at the band.  This was probably just a result of the 
> media's
> typical inclination to get the story first, whether it's the right 
> story or
> not.  But I do wonder if the unbalanced nature of some of the stories 
> had to
> do with who owned the club and/or the club owner's ability to 
> manipulate the
> media.
> -- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine
> I would say that just the opposite would be the case,  I know that I 
> for one would want to make very certain that no one could label me as 
> being biased since that would be the natural inclination once it was 
> learned that a reporter was a co-owner of the club.  yesterday the tv's 
> did the right thing and checked with other clubs the band recently 
> played at and discovered claims similar to the one being made by owners 
> in this case, that same question should have been, and apparently was 
> eventually asked of employees....you are right that being first does 
> not mean getting an accurate story on the air.
> df