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RE: Boston Globe Online / Metro | Region / WPRI reporter's link to club stirs ethical questions

> The Globe interviewed the owner of the Middle East in Cambridge that
> under Mass law is excempted from sprinklers, but they chose to install
> them anyways.
> hopefully laws will be rewritten, but given the track record of state
> reps ANYWHERE, I wouldn't hold my breath.
If a law were passed tomorrow requiring ALL clubs to immediately install
sprinklers, there would be massive closings.  Installing sprinkers in a
club, hall, theatre or auditorium is not an inexpensive undertaking,
particularly in older buildings.

What would make more sense is to get realistic inspections of public venues.
Some inspectors do a real thorough job, others just punch their tickets and
some just have their hands out.

As a side note, there was an incredible suit about 10-15 years ago where a
sprinkler contractor was underbidding everyone and getting an incredible
amount of work.  When one of his protected buildings burned to the ground,
an investigation found that he was only hooking up the sprinkler heads where
the plumbing was visible.  In all other places, the sprinkler heads were
held onto the ceiling with two faced tape.

Brian Vita