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RE: Boston Globe Online / Metro | Region / WPRI reporter's link to club stirs ethical questions

On 22 Feb 2003 at 17:20, Brian Vita wrote:

> If a law were passed tomorrow requiring ALL clubs to immediately install
> sprinklers, there would be massive closings.  Installing sprinkers in a
> club, hall, theatre or auditorium is not an inexpensive undertaking,
> particularly in older buildings.

Or so they will tell us in order to avoid having a law passed.
> What would make more sense is to get realistic inspections of public
> venues. Some inspectors do a real thorough job, others just punch their
> tickets and some just have their hands out.
Maybe a law should be passed prohibiting the use of pyrotechnics unless there is a sprinkler 
system.  With heavy penalties for both bands and club owners for violations.  You want 
pyrotechnics, you put in the sprinklers.  You don't want to spend the money on sprinklers, 
you can't have pyrotechnics.

Being careful when playing with fire is something most of us learned as kids.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 15 Court Square, Suite 210                 lawyer@attorneyross.com
Boston, MA 02108-2503           	         http://www.attorneyross.com