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Re: the language watch continues

On 5 Sep 2000,  Brian Vita wrote:

> In a strange sort of way, I think the time has come for this country to
> have a leader that's not afraid to call someone an "asshole".  We've spent
> too much time internationally kissing the butts of every third world
> country.  I would start with the UN and while we're at it, serve them an
> eviction notice for back rent...

Well, Harry Truman called Drew Pearson an S.O.B.
> Wouldn't it be great to see on the 6PM news today...
> "In international news today, President Bush/Gore (take your pick) called
> Saddam Hussein an asshole and told him to stop screwing around or we'll
> send his ass back into the stone age..."
And Jimmy Carter remarked, of Ted Kennedy's candidacy, "I'll whip his 

 A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                        617.367.0468
 15 Court Square                     lawyer@world.std.com
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