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Re: the language watch continues

Joe Ross wrote:

> And Jimmy Carter remarked, of Ted Kennedy's candidacy, "I'll whip his 
> ass."

Actually, that was "whup".   

> That reminds me of a story I heard on A&E's biography of Pierre Trudeau.  
> It seems that on the White House tapes, Nixon was heard to refer to "That 
> asshole Trudeau."  Trudeau's response was, "I've been called worse things 
> by better people."

Did A and E cover Trudeau's own gaffe of the same genre?  During a
heated debate in the House of Commons in the '70s, he uttered to someone
a short expletive that drew gasps.  When asked about it he claimed to
have said "fuddle-duddle".  

That word now appears in dictionaries of Canadian English.
