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Re: WPTR yet again

At 10:13 AM 1/13/00 -0500, Rick Kelly wrote:
>Having grown up there too, I have memories of the Boomer's personal
>appearences myself.  I recall him coming to a carnival, perhaps in the
>late 60's.  he wore that shiny jacket... with frayed sleeves, and drive
>and old beat up convertible.  His hair certainly looked colred... had
>that blue tinge to it... any ideas how old he is now... gotta wonder if
>it was my own faulty observations (I was 16 yrs. old...)

I dunno, I have a few WPTR Top 40 hitlists from the late 60s/early 70s, and
while they didn't use a particularly flattering photo, he does look
considerably older than most of the other jocks (possible exception of JW