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Re: WPTR yet again

WNTN has absolutely no assigned pre-sunrise authority, nor any post-sunset 
authority.   The flea-power (a different type of authorization) that was 
given them was somethnig like 2.2 watts which can be used for all non-daytime 
hours.   On a dog frequency such as 1550,  2.2 watts goes about 10 blocks at 
night;  and that's what they found out in 1986 , and like WILD-1090  decided 
it was never worth doing.   
One should not worry about NTN blocking out WPTR, as NTN quite often signs 
off prior to sunset, as time is not always sold.  A couple years ago, they 
actually signed off at 3:30 PM in the springtime or fall, when s/off was 
authorized up to 6 or 7 PM.
FCC law says they can do such, as law says stations must be on the air 2/3rds 
of the time they are licensed for.  All stations are not required to 
broadcast on Sundays at all!!

In a message dated 1/12/00 5:57:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
mwaters@mail.wesleyan.edu writes:

<<  But you might, this time of year. Sunrise at Boston isn't until
 somewhere around 7:15, and a few minutes later in Albany. I have no idea
 whether WNTN has pre-sunrise authority (TLTLIU), and that could wipe out
 1540 --  if it does, if they come on as early as 6 a.m., and if you're too
 close to WNTN. >>