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WXRV stays the course... (was: WBOS)

WBOS has fallen on
> hard times, but WXRV is a very highly regarded AAA station in
national circles.
> Mike Thomas
> WXLO & Mediabase 24/7

I agree with Mike - again!  I'd add that a great deal of the credit
for WXRV's success goes to PD Joanne Doody - someone who's name came
up on the listserv last week.  She's one of those rare, dedicated,
hard working types who keeps a relatively low profile.  If it weren't
for JD, I'd likely have never cracked a mic at all.  She was the GM @
WJUL (91.5 Lowell) when I first wandered in the doors just, literally,
to check the place out (to see where the noise down the tunnel was
coming from in 1979.)

<Harp/Memory SFX> <Cue Letterman rubbing chin video>  She was busy
that day, yet took the time to give me the tour and encouraged me to
return for a staff meeting.  In a matter of months, as she was
approaching graduation, she encouraged me to step up to the challenge
to join station management.  (I became the PD - into the fire!)  The
parent org. of the station elected me Pres., so I found myself and the
team running a 100K budget and effecting major capital improvements.
(New studio, bought this new thing called a RPU/Marti, 2 ways, other
early 80s technology.)  It was a great learning experience (AND a

We've lost touch, but you never forget who gave you a shot -   Chuck
J., (former GM) if you're out there, you know what I mean!

Bill O'Neill