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RE: New Ch4 logo finally on air

Coop writes:

> We always had one of those massive console TVs at home
> when I was growing up.  It must have dated back to the
> early or mid-70s, but never had a problem.  We fianlly
> got rid of it when we realized that it was going to
> cost 3 times as much to replace the tube as it would
> be to buy a new one...  Oh well...  I bet it made a
> good anchor for someone!

Until 1972 I was a monochromatic tv viewer.  I was astonished to learn that
Lassie wasn't gray and white <g>.  We were fortunate to finally get a color set
for the "tv room" in the basement.  That second dial brought us the venerable,
late great home of Ask the Manager, TV 38.  And Uncle Dale on Field Comm's 56.
44 was a rimshot to Dracut and 25 was a twinkle in someone's eye.  A gazillion
watts of UHF power still resembles Number One in the Wind on that elusive dial.

Bill O'Neill <Who still remembers Marcus Welby, MD on Tuesdees, Waltons in