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Re: Ken Coleman and B.U. football

At 02:44 PM 8/22/2003, Bob Nelson wrote:
>That's what I thought...and I'm trying to remember if
>it was on WBUR or some other station. I think I
>stumbled across Coleman doing a B.U. game one
>Saturday afternoon (was it on WBUR, or maybe a station
>like WROL?... you might expect 'BUR to shuttle the
>game to some other station, but who knows?) and
>then after that a local paper had mentioned that,
>indeed, Coleman was doing B.U. games on radio.

I know that WBUR was not doing BU football by 1994, when I came to BU.   Or 
at least, they weren't doing it regularly.

I believe, but have no hard evidence, that they had stopped doing BU 
football around the time of...or soon after...the (1st) Gulf War.

Aaron "Bishop" Read             aread@speakeasy.net
FriedBagels Consulting          AOL-IM: readaaron
http://www.friedbagels.com      Boston, MA