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Re: WOTW Nashua NH Sold

>>Are you trying to say that Hannity is entertaining? Puh-leez. All he is is strident and venomous.<<

...and he does some laughingly on-target satires of liberals.  His ratings tell the story.

>>And are you trying to say that there aren't liberals who could be entertaining as talk hosts? There must be a dozen comedians who are politically liberal and 
could become entertaining talk hosts.<<

So far, those who have tried, have failed miserably.

>>One is Al Franken. Another--probably--is Moe Rocca--although I don't really know where he stands politically. In fact, most any of the regular panelits on NPR's wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me could 
probably become enteratining talk hosts. Most of the WW...DTM panelists seem to have a liberal bent.<<

I've heard the show.  Snore.