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Looks like one FCC commissioner gets it....

Today there was an interesting piece on
www.rronline.com about the upcoming media ownership
rule change.  The article can be found at:


-go to Yesterday's news, its the top 2 stories

FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein is speaking out
against the upcoming change in ownership rules that
will allow cross-ownership of newspapers and
television stations in the same market, amongst other
things.  In the article, he claims that an
"unprecedented wave of consolidation" will follow the
expected passage of these new rules June 2nd, and that
we are on the eve of "one of the most potentially
destructive courses" the FCC has ever taken.  Go
figure, an FCC Commissioner that actually cares about
the way media ownership affects the average person,
and not just the mega-corporations that now own most
of all American media outlets.  My suspicion is,
however, that his arguments and concerns will be cast
aside by Michael Powell's "boys" and they will bulldog
this rule change through anyway, regardless of the
consequences I believe it will carry with it ...

                                 Matt Osborne
                                 Poughkeepsie, NY

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