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Re: Here & Now on Clear Channel

I don't think NPR has anymore of a liberal bias than any of the TV networks.
The thing that is different about NPR is their story choices.  They tend to
pick more stories that liberals are more likely to be concerned about
(environmental issues, international organizations, more arts coverage, for
example).  You will hear these stories on NPR more often than you will
elsewhere in the media, but when covering those stories, I think NPR is
reasonably objective.  The NPR talk shows do all seem to have liberal hosts,
and shows like "Living on Earth" have a liberal point of view.

The News Hour on PBS is as objective as any newscast.  I rarely find myself
yelling at the TV when watching the News Hour.  I can't say the same about
Rather or Jennings,

-- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine