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Re: Here & Now on Clear Channel

At 04:51 PM 4/1/2003 -0500, SteveOrdinetz wrote:
>Aaron "Bishop" Read wrote...
> > Well, having listened to the piece on WBUR/Here & Now about Clear
> > Channel,  I can only say that if the rest of the world wants to attach
> > NPR for having  a liberal bias, it's only fair for NPR to attack someone
> > else for having a  conservative bias.
>The only problem, NPR doesn't see itself as having a liberal bias.  I'd
>frankly have more respect for them if they admitted it.

Whether they have a liberal bias or not...your statement is amazingly full 
of hubris.

Most people think I'm of Italian lineage whenever I have a tan (most of the 
year, I've just got that kind of skin) and while I do have some Italian, 
I'm mostly British.   So if a lot of people say I'm Italian and I insist 
I'm British, does that mean I don't get your respect because I'm not 
admitting something that's not really true and/or relevant?

Bottom line is, I respect NPR more for sticking to its convictions rather 
than kow-towing to everyone that screams they have a liberal bias.

And for the record, I do think NPR has a "bias" in that they expect you to 
be informed enough to make your conclusions about the news they present, 
and thus comes off as very (pseudo) "intellectualist".  That tends to look 
"liberal" as - in a very general sense - liberalism tends to encourage 
shades of gray...whereas conservatism tends to encourage black & white 
thinking.   I listen to NPR and feel informed...whether or not I agree with 
the reporting.   Whereas at more conservative bastions of news, I usually 
feel spoon-fed.

Aaron "Bishop" Read             aread@speakeasy.net
FriedBagels Consulting          AOL-IM: readaaron
http://www.friedbagels.com      Boston, MA