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Re: Radio work in newspaper

On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 18:43:23 -0500 "Sean Smyth" <ssmyth@suscom.net>
> Cooper Fox writes:
> > I have seen ads for radio ad execs in newspapers, but
> > I have never seen an ad for a full time
> > on-air/programming posisition before...  Well, until
> > now.  CC bangor has an ad looking for a PD for their
> > Classic rocker(WFZX) in today's Bangor Daily News. 
> > Anyone ever seen anything like this before? 
> A number of years ago, I saw an ad for a WZLX jock in the South End 
> News. 

Actually I saw an ad in one of the Boston papers a number of  years ago
for a reporter at WBZ.  IIRC it was for either the position created by
the death of Steven Smith or Darrell Gould.  As it was explained to me, 
it was to make sure no EEO questions could be raised,  they apparently
felt they should do this before adding any staff (or more likely
freelancers).   As far as I know neither Steven Smith or Darrell Gould's
staff positions were ever "officially" replaced.