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Re: Iraq n' (Let's) Roll

Dave Faneuf wrote
>"Bill O'Neill" <billo@shoreham.net> writes:
>> Wondering about the timeline towards what seems to be an inevitable
>> start of battle in Iraq.  Judging by Dan Rather's shameless ratings
>> sweeps sit-down with Hussein, it can't be too long until wheels-up.  
>> It also appears that all news orgs. are in place.
>I believe I heard on NPR or the BBC last night that after the latest UN
>resolution is submitted, the security council will have 2 weeks to
>consider it so I'd guess that news orgs that are going to take part are
>in place or will be very shortly and are possibly anticipating >something in March or April.  

The U.N. is just not cooperating with the February Sweeps.