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RE: Lowry Mays speaks

"Bill O'Neill" wrote:
>The more I think/rant about the dearth of hard-hitting local coverage
>and local perspective that go beyond the focal points of Burlington and
>Montpelier, I can almost forgive the market since it is so limited in
>what it can bill.  It's even more glaring a problem as I drop back into
>Dracut to visit the homestead and scan the Boston dial.

Perhaps there is a move afoot to eliminate local news
and make a single National News Media Outlet that can speak 
on all issues with a single voice that will help unify us 
and make err... help us see things with a single harmonious
view - eliminating dissent, unrest and discontent - leading
ultimately to "World Peace"  

Bless you, Rev. Lowry.