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Re: Club Owners

Dan Billings wrote
>  The past actions of the band 
> puts 
> > the
> > truthfulness of their statements in question, but past actions at 
> the 
> > club
> > also put the truthfulness (or completeness) of their statements in 
> > question.

Paul writes:
> Why?  Just because pyrotechnics had been used in the past at The 
> Station doesn't mean they were approved by the owners at the Great 
> White concert.  Or have the owners claimed they had *never* approved 
> pyrotechnics *ever*?
> I agree NBC should have mentioned the reports of prior pyrotechnics 
> at 
> the club.

An aspect of this story that I have also not personally heard reported is
that Jeff and his brother had set up an appointment with the city to
begin the process of transferring the liquor license to a new buyer,  the
first step was to have taken place this coming Friday. Is this relevant
to the story?  I doubt it, but it also hasn't been widely reported.  
There are going to be facts left out of broadcast reports because of time
constraints and print reports for space constraints,  reporters and
editors have to pick and chose what they think is relevant to the story
and what isn't.  Jeff in his statement did not say there had never been
pyrotechnics at the club, he did say Great White did not request
permission and no permission was given.