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Re: Concert Disaster In Rhode Island

At 06:16 PM 2/21/2003 -0500, Dave Faneuf wrote:
>As a follow up, I was just watching ch 7 and they had a reporter in NJ
>where the band played last week and the club owner of The Stone Pony said
>the band used pyrtotechnics there as well without ever telling anyone at
>the club and produced the contract that outlined what was to be included
>in the performance.... just FYI

Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist...but every club owner who has EVER 
dealt with Great White knows full well that they will be dragged into the 
soon-to-be-ensuing (pun intended) legal mess over who did and didn't give 
permission for the pyrotechnics.   So I would expect every single club to 
say they explicitly gave no permission to Great White or any band to have 
such stunts.   That is, regardless of whether there was a official or 
unofficial agreement or not.

The contract is definitely more damning...but hey, the Stone Pony *is* in 
New Jersey, after all.  Who knows just how genuine that contract 
is?  :-)   More importantly, how genuine will it be after the lawyers are 
done arguing over in court?

Aaron "Bishop" Read             aread@speakeasy.net
FriedBagels Consulting          AOL-IM: readaaron
http://www.friedbagels.com      Boston, MA