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Re: RE: Boston Globe Online / Metro | Region / WPRI reporter's link to club stirs ethical questions

Ok lets be real here
If club owner in NJ so outraged by use of pyro in his club  why didn't 
he alert other owners? A groups tourlist not hard to find.

Showing up on CNN after the fact doesn't do the 96 dead any good.

On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 8:05PM -0500, Steve West wrote:
> Okay, I'll bite.  An arguement can be made that the club may have used 
> pyro
> in the past.  I think though, that the fact they did would have no 
> bearing
> on this tragedy if in fact the club did NOT, as claimed, give 
> permission for
> pyro to Great White.
> Again, I'm no lawyer, but what was allowed last year or at some other 
> event
> shouldn't prejudice this event.  Past events didn't cause this 
> tragedy,
> although it could damage the owner's credibility.
>>  That makes sense to me.  Yesterday, the media appeared to want to 
>> quickly
>>  jump to the conclusion that only the band was to blame.  Today, a 
>> former
>>  club employee is quoted as saying that pyro had been used at the club 
>> in
> the
>>  past.  That brings into question that repeated statements that the 
>> pyro
> was
>>  used without the permission or knowledge of the club.
>>  -- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine