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RE: RE: Boston Globe Online / Metro | Region / WPRI reporter's link to club stirs ethical questions

---------- "Kevin Vahey" <k-vahey@attbi.com> writes:
cameraman lucky dude I agree

but given the fact that the bar was owned by a Channel 12 staffer raises 
the issue on why he was there

It appears that the cameraman was at the club simply to shoot some generic B
roll as a bed for an unrelated story.  It would make perfect sense to ask a
club owner that you know (such as a co-worker) for access to their club to
shoot this.

What amazes me the most about his video is the rate at which the flames took
hold.  Movie theatres (my specialty) fall under the same generic heading of
"Places of Public Assembly" as night clubs.  In either venue, all fabrics,
wall treatments, ceiling tiles, etc. must have a "certificate of
flammability" in order to be used.  When I build a theatre, I have to have
one of these for the screens, the wall fabric, the seating fabric, etc.  If
a caterer brings in tables with table cloths, the table cloths must be
labeled "flame retardant".  

The "egg-crate" (description used by the lead singer" behind the band
clearly did not meet the flammability specification required for a public
venue as it appeared to support and spread the fire from the pyros at an
incredible rate.  Although I am far from being an authority or an expert on
this, if I had to place the blame, both parties are responsible.  The band
started the fire and the club used (apparent) non-rated wall and/or ceiling

Brian Vita