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Re: Staten Island Refinery Fire

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Dan Billings wrote:
> I think the media puts too much emphasis on the NOW.  The refinery fire is

Very true.  Consider the promos on 10-10 WINS here in New York: GET IT 

No word on GET IT RIGHT.  It's just an assembly line...churn out the 

> locally.  But the cable news networks are providing no information other
> than exciting pictures.  They have no substance to pass along.  The constant

That's the problem with TV news....you have to rely too much on 
video...good video.

Then there's the 24 hour news cycle...only being filled with 12 hours 
worth of news.  

If I'm listening to WBZ or WINS at 3 a.m. on Thursday, why are they
telling me about stuff that happened at 2 p.m. on Wednesday?  What's
happening at 3a.m.?  Who's covering that?

What's the use of running a 24/7 news operation if you're only covering 
what happened during the day...but not what's happening at night?

Night-time in the big cities is when the scumbags come out and that's when
the news happens....I think.
