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Re: Staten Island Refinery Fire

Dan Billings <billings@suscom-maine.net> wrote:
> I think the media puts too much emphasis on the NOW.  The refinery
> fire is certainly news and the effects on the immediate areas need
> constant coverage locally.  But the cable news networks are providing
> no information other than exciting pictures.  They have no substance
> to pass along.  The constant coverage provides no understanding.
> That said:  In the last half hour, they have been covering both
> stories.  I just find it odd when they go from constant coverage of
> one event to constant coverage of another so quickly.  A little more
> perspective on all events could be provided.

I agree with you, Dan. In fact, I think the emphasis on the "BREAKING NEWS"
("A NEW terror alert!") subconsciously causes a lot of people to panic. (And
some of the other things they plug as "breaking news," such as a mail truck
in south Florida being hijacked, don't really merit attention on the
national news nets, IMHO.) I'm sure some people immediately began busting
out their terrorism survival kit once they saw the refinery fire. Is that
because people have been conditioned to be alarmed when they hear breaking
news, or because that is human nature? Ah, the $64,000 question.