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Re: goodbye to 2002

Steve makes very good points.  

When I was growing up, I listened to the radio much
more than I do today because there were many fewer
communications options.  There was no Internet and no
cable TV in my town -- just 4 over the air stations. 
I used to have to listen to the radio for many of the
Sox games or to just get sports scores.  Now all the
Sox games are available to me on cable and any sports
score is available on-line in real time.  Local news
and weather is also just a mouse click away.

I primarily listen to the radio in the car.  I also
have a radio in the bathroom and listen when I am
taking a shower.  That's pretty much it.  I think my
listening habits are similar to lots of other people. 
In the car listening and on the job listening are the
main venues for most radio listening.  As a result, it
does not surprise me that many college students do not
listen to the radio.

-- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine

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