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Re: Comcast merger FAQs

From: "Aaron [Bishop] Read" <aread@speakeasy.net>

> Anyways, the light dawned when I asked them how this happened.  It's quite
> simple - we have an FCC that, never mind green-lighting...they're all but
> demanding mega-mergers in media companies.  That FCC is controlled by a
> Republican-appointed head (Powell) and that appointment was because we
> a merger-friendly Republication administration in power.

Just to kink the 'knee-jerk reaction' of Rebublicans being
"mega-merger-maniacs"...let's remember that the famed telecommunications
bill which changed the landscape of our industry (forever?) was passed by
the Democrats who were in control at the time.

BTW...Wasn't Sen. Markey(D) gonna keep an eye on the cable industry for us?
Seems he only spoke out agains the industry when it suited him.

(This isn't a  R vs. D issue...they *all* did a big pant-load on this