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Re: Fwd: Radio Persnality Endorsements Kick It Up A Notch

At 12:38 PM 9/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Don't forget all the radio "personalities" who have undergone
>"tooth-whitening (shouldn't it be "teeth-whitening";  they
>do more than one?)

Do you recall WBZ channel 4 sports anchor Bob Lobel doing testimonials for 
laser eye surgery, which he had and which he did many many endorsements 
for?  Oh, now that Body Solutions is in trouble with various stations, I 
wonder if the two WBZ radio personalities who used it and did the 
commercials for it have any regrets.  If I recall, David Brudnoy held out 
for years about doing commercials-- he felt that as a commentator who is 
involved with coverage of news, he shouldn't be doing such 
endorsements.  In the news department, Gary LaPierre has held that same 
belief, feeling it diminishes a newsperson's credibility if they also shill 
for products.  I believe he still will not read any commercials or endorse 
any products.

So do members of this list feel that it's okay for news personalities to 
endorse products, or should they refrain from doing so?