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Re: WCAP web site??

At 07:14 PM 9/11/2002, Dan Billings wrote:
>Funny you ask.  I am taking Intellectual Property this
>semester and was reading about this issue earlier
>today.  There is a federal law that allows a trademark
>holder to go to court and get a domain name using
>their trademark transfered to them.  The organization
>that assigns domain name also now has an arbitration
>Both processes take time so WCAP may have switched so
>they could get a page up immediately.  Both processes
>also cost money to pursue so WCAP may have decided the
>issue wasn't worth the fight.
>-- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine

As a federal-assigned identifier of a publicly-held license, CAN call 
letters be legally trademarked?  I mean, how does that work when you've got 
the same call letters ending up on five different stations - and five 
different owners - within five years?

Aaron "Bishop" Read     aread@speakeasy.net
FriedBagels.com Technical Consulting
www.friedbagels.com   AOL-IM: ReadAaron