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Re: Clear Channel expose coming to PBS this weekend...

At 10:17 PM 4/24/2002, Garrett Wollman wrote:
><<On Wed, 24 Apr 2002 20:15:01 EDT, Dibmaine@aol.com said:
><< Stations on autopilot, air personalities churning out programs that
> >  listeners think are local, and cookie cutter play lists across the country
> >  are the new reality for radio. >>
> > Sounds like public radio!
>I'm not sure which public radio station you're thinking of, but that
>certainly doesn't match any of the ones I have listened to.  What
>national program does your public broadcaster attempt to deceive
>listeners into thinking is local?

We-lllll...it's not quite the same thing, but I've heard from three 
different people who thought that all the programs on WBUR were live, not 
realizing that about 80% of their air is tape-delayed (granted it's often 
less than six hours, but still).   And nobody realizes that "Car Talk" is 
recorded over a period of three hours (or so) on Wednesdays and then 
EXTENSIVELY edited at their offices in Hah-vahd Squwah before broadcast.

And I will add that during fundraisers they shamelessly use bits from Ira 
Glass (host of "This American Life") that are for all public radio stations 
and blend them in like it's a bit Ira recorded specifically for WBUR.   And 
they're guilty of using those same lousy bits over and over and over, too.  :-)

Aaron "Bishop" Read       aread@speakeasy.net
Fried Bagels Consulting   www.friedbagels.com
12 Walnut St. / Waltham, MA / 02453