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Re: Heartbreaking Interview on ABC

I saw the same interview.  It put the whole thing in perspective.

I remain generally impressed with the networks' coverage.  I have watched a
lot of NBC, ABC, and CNN, and all three are doing a great job following up
and expanding on the various aspects of the story.  (I can't take Rather, so
I have been skipping CBS.)  The coverage shows that the networks still have
the talent and the ability to do quality broadcast journalism.  It's a shame
that daily coverage of our national affairs is not as high quality.
Apparently it take a national tragedy to get beyond the shallow coverage we
get on TV on a daily basis.

One complaint:  I wish NBC would put Tim Russert away for awhile.  I love
Russert and I love politics, but I don't want to hear him talk about the
political effects of such a crisis.  It's tasteless and useless.

Another complaint:  No more polls.  Everyone supports the President.  Nearly
everyone supports a military response.  Did we need a poll to find this out?

WMTW's John Dougherty is sticking with the coatless look to match Jennings.
He looked particularly silly tonight setting at the desk with the sports and
weather guys both wearing jackets.

-- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine