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Re: Gay-rights backers don't want 'Dr. Laura' on TV

At 10:02 PM -0400 9/7/00, Brian T. Vita wrote:
>Isn't it amazing that these groups want freedom of press and 
>expression until someone expresses a view contrary to theirs?  Their 
>rush to stifle a dissenting voice is amazing.  If they want the 
>freedom to discuss their lifestyle then they have to allow those who 
>want to discuss an opposing view.

Except that, aside from two hours a week on WFNX, there is no 
discussion of the other views.  Perhaps if the stations airing Dr. 
Laura would air a balancing program representing the other views, 
their airing of Dr. Laura would not be so offensive.
Larry Weil
Lake Wobegone, NH