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Re: WTKK Revamps Overnights

> And with a 0.8....I don't think she was too popular.
> And with a 0.8...I don't think anyone is missing her.

Does she have an 0.8 rating, or is that the overall rating for the the station?

> I think they're schedule has been pretty steady since the begining of the
> year.  I don't think they have changed anything on their weekday sched since
> 1/1/2000...no?
> The PD at WTKK was PD at WRKO at one point...   I could be wrong on
> that...but your WBOS scenario is false.

I think George Taylor Morris was PD at WTKK at some point, I am not sure about
Although he certainly does voice over ID's.

> > A year is not enough time to make a splash in radio, especially not
> > Boston.
> But it's enough time to know where they are failing miserably.....and nights
> was failing miserably.

Are overnights rated? If they are, how important are overnight ratings from a
syndicated show with the National sponsors?
I think overnights are generally treated as more of an experimental  part.

I guess what I'm trying to convey is I see a pattern of knee jerk reactions
from programmers.
Although I know the reasons why, sometimes these moves are silly....

Case in point, Rhona.
Also, Lovelines was a popular show on WFNX, so popular that when it was picked
up WBCN,
WFNX hadn't dropped it yet. It started a very public feud between Mindich and
WFNX, then counter programmed by introducing "Extreme FNX" which was more or
less WBCN's music for the two hours that WBCN carried Lovelines.
WBCN then went back to music programming during those hours.

No more Lovelines, and lots of active rock on both stations that claim they are

The listener loses sometimes in these types of battles