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Re: Bob Bittner's Unlikely Ally In The Fight Against The "Cash Machine"

Chuck wrote:

> if you eliminate the dead-spaces in songs, would it be a violation of 
> the rights of the author of the music.  if they wanted a rest/pause at that 
> point, and wrote the music and had it performed as such, would that be a 
> potential for concern? 

There could be reason to think so: Terry Gilliam of "Monty Python's
Flying Circus" successfully sued to block ABC from airing edited
versions of Python sketches.    

That case appeared in the news today when Microsoft's lawyers claimed
that Gilliam vs ABC provides a precedent to justify Microsoft's
business practices; their contracts prohibit a reseller from taking
out unwanted components of a software package.

Apparently Windows is now a type of performance art.  
