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Re: Public Broadcasting Funding

On 10 Jan 00,  PublicRef2 wrote:

> I believe that at one time, the public television stations in Maine and
> Vermont were owned and operated by their respective state universities;
> Channel 36 in Providence was run by the Rhode Island Department of
> Education, and Connecticut's public television stations were run by a state
> "educational" television commission, with WGBH/WGBX/WGBY the only public TV
> stations in New England owned/operated by a private-sector nonprofit
> organization. I believe that the Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, and
> Connecticut public television stations are now all run by a private-
> sector nonprofit agency much like WGBH.

Maybe so, but the big public radio outlet in Western Massachusetts, WFCR, 
is run by a consortium of colleges which includes the University of 

 A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                                 617.367.0468
 15 Court Square                             lawyer@world.std.com
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