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Re: Public Broadcasting Funding

I am not sending this message through my regular E-Mail server. To
respond, send replies to: <notquite@hotmail.com>. Thanks!

One note about New Hampshire Public Television: I believe it is the last
of the six New England sattes whose noncommercial TV stations are still
run by a state governmental agency (in this case, the University of New

I believe that at one time, the public television stations in Maine and
Vermont were owned and operated by their respective state universities;
Channel 36 in Providence was run by the Rhode Island Department of
Education, and Connecticut's public television stations were run by a
state "educational" television commission, with WGBH/WGBX/WGBY the only
public TV stations in New England owned/operated by a private-sector
nonprofit organization. I believe that the Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island,
and Connecticut public television stations are now all run by a private-

sector nonprofit agency much like WGBH.

Joseph Gallant