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Re: WLLH-AM Lawrence transmitter off-air

WLLH has increased to 1 kW in Lowell. I'd say that they 
probably should keep the Lawrence TX but might do better 
using it only at night when the Lowell TX really doesn't 
cover Lawrence because of the high noise level on the 
graveyard channel. Many synchronous TXs operate only at 
night. They are used for null fill-in when the primary 
station switches to DA. That's the case, for instance, 
with KKOB's synchronous TX in Santa Fe and was the case 
for years with WBT's now-dark synchronous TX in Shelby 

If you compare the quality of WBPS's signal with what 
the station sounded like before Mega took it over, I 
think you'd have to agree that Mega is quite sensitive 
to audio quality and loudness--in other words to having 
its stations perceived as providing good signals. I 
suspect that they may be upgrading the audio chain at 
> In fact, the former WLLH owners used to intentionally go dark in
> Lawrence during the day to minimize hash and go on at night,
> particularly due to its then leased time ethnic.
> When the newer Lowell site was
> approved, I understand that in order to not increase interference with
> WLLH-s, that the ERP was dropped to around 650w from 1kW in Lowell.
> True?