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Re: WLLH-AM Lawrence transmitter off-air

Hey...considering the environment you were in (all those computers), you
were lucky you could listen to AM radio at ALL!!! :) :) :)


*click to FM* *



Sven F. Weil
e-mail: sven@lily.org
World Wide Web: http://www.lily.org/~sven

> In the early 70s, I worked at Wang Labs when their main facility was in the
> building on 495 about halfway between Rt 3 & I-93.  Never could understand
> why WLLH sounded so downright AWFUL...distorted and phase cancel-y.  I
> lived in Nashua at the time, and they sounded fine (albeit a bit noisy) at
> home.  Just wrote it off to their being a bush league station, and listened
> to WRKO instead.