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Re: WLLH-AM Lawrence transmitter off-air

At 07:39 PM 1/10/00 +0000, dan.strassberg@att.net wrote:
>The synchronization used to be 
>better before the new Lowell TX went on the air. But 
>whenever the two TXs are on simultaneously, there will 
>be a "hash" zone in which the two signals fight with 
>each other.

In the early 70s, I worked at Wang Labs when their main facility was in the
building on 495 about halfway between Rt 3 & I-93.  Never could understand
why WLLH sounded so downright AWFUL...distorted and phase cancel-y.  I
lived in Nashua at the time, and they sounded fine (albeit a bit noisy) at
home.  Just wrote it off to their being a bush league station, and listened
to WRKO instead.

Does there need to be phase synchronization as well as frequency sync for
this to work?  It would seem to me that if the signals were in phase with
each other the hash zone would be smaller.