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Re: More Canadian censorship

--- Dib9@aol.com wrote:
> Those of you that think it would be a good idea
> for the FCC to have more 
> control over the content of programming should
> read the article from today's 
> Boston Globe about the Canadian government's
> efforts to tell the CBC what 
> movies and sports to broadcast.  Very scary.

Dan, I read about this a few days ago on one of the
Canadian web sites, and I find myself in the
position of agreeing with you that the CRTC has gone
too far on this one.  However, I don't see going
totally to the uncontrolled, let em do what they
want approach either.  There is no reason why a
national broadcaster should go to the same bottom
feeding level that most U.S. broadcasters (including
some public broadcasters) have gone to under

The answer I feel is that there needs to be a
compromise position between the two extremes, and my
guess is that the CRTC went to the extreme in hopes
of pushing the final outcome in that direction.

We should also keep in mind that the Boston Globe
article is just an American interpertation of the
events (although not a bad one).  If someone want a
more direct approach, they can search the recent
archives of one of the Canadian papers.  A good site
with links to a number of Canadian papers is
<http://www.canada.com/daliesindex.html>, the
notable exception can be found at

Larry Weil
Lake Wobegone, NH
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