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Re: **Kenny Mayer**HELP

In a message dated 1/8/00 1:28:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
spindoc@channel1.com writes:

<< I've placed it on my website in RealAudio format, so you'll need RealPlayer
 (free at www.real.com) to hear it.  It's about 1.1 Mb in size, so it'll take
 a few minutes for the modem-people to download, but it's worth it.
 Here's the link:  http://www.channel1.com/users/spindoc/radio/button2.htm >>

Thanks ! What a great trip down memory lane!  I enjoyed hearing the ads for 
the local clubs.  And as a bonus you included my all time absolute favorite 
Woody Allen bit - The Moose. 

I used to do a lot of taping off the radio back then but I guess I never 
thought that current radio entertainment would one day be tomorrow's 
nostalgia. Mostly I taped top 40 music and Dr Demento.  It's funny, but 
although it seems that most people concentrate on getting "airchecks" ,  when 
I taped from WRKO and WMEX back then I tried to avoid the talking as much as 
possible.  Now I'm glad I've got the few snippets of dj chat that I've got.   
