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Re: 4,5,7,25 on the bird

On 3 Jan 00,  bacchioc@ici.net wrote:

> Also, did anyone notice that at least on Ch 4, Boston celebrated their "New
> Year" a few seconds before Times Square?.  Satellite delay?

This motivates me to tell, again, the story of how, when Mike Dukakis, 
leaving office in January 1979, took the traditional walk down the front 
steps of the Statehouse, he took his walk five minutes later on WEEI than 
he did in the real world.

I was at the State House that day, with a transistor radio in my pocket 
and an earpiece in my ear.  I watched him walk down the State House steps, 
as WEEI cut away for CBS network news.  Dukakis was gone, and the crowd 
was dissipating, as WEEI came back from the CBS news and said that Dukakis 
was about to make his walk down the State House steps.  And they pretended 
that they were carrying it live!

 A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                                 617.367.0468
 15 Court Square                             lawyer@world.std.com
 Boston, MA 02108-2503              http://world.std.com/~lawyer/