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4,5,7,25 on the bird

Without TOO much fanfare, my DirectTV receiver announced that local Boston
TV stations were finally available (as of 1/2/00).  For only $5.95 per
month, I can get channels 4,5,7,& 25 (the major networks).  Which seems
rather useless as 2,38,44,56,66 & 68 are not offered.  I understand there is
only so much bandwidth available on the satellite, but it doesn't give me an
alternative to basic cable.  Maybe the extra channels will be offered in the
future as part of the "dual sattelite" setup, but, being in an apartment, I
doubt our system will be upgraded.  I'm sure there are those who can benefit
from the new channels, but I think I'll keep my $5.95.

The picture quality was very good, as expected, but with the satellite being
known for having problems during bad weather, it will probably not work when
it's needed the most.

Also, did anyone notice that at least on Ch 4, Boston celebrated their "New
Year" a few seconds before Times Square?.  Satellite delay?

Paul Bacchiocchi