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Re: Talk line up

In a message dated 1/3/00 12:56:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
theblues4u@yahoo.com writes:

<< So it looks like Imus, then the Track... later on
 they have Jay Severin 2-6 or 2-5 (repeating at
 night) and so on. If the talk format fails on WTKK
 I wonder if a failure to advertise it could be a
 factor... >>

The Boston Radio Watch reported that WTKK changed its lineup effective Dec. 
20. (I heard Braude and Egan on Christmas Eve, and just presumed he was doing 
a guest spot.) Click here for more: 

FYI, is there any conflilct of interest in having a politician (such as 
Braude is, now that he's been elected to the Cambridge City Council) hosting 
his own show every day? Granted the Gov and the Mayah are on shows 
occasionally (is Menino still on with Moes?), but they don't have a regular 
spot on a station's lineup. And the Menino/Moes show doesn't/didn't allow the 
Mayor to go off on his own tangents -- it's pretty much a resident services 
hotline, talking about the broken street lamp on Centre Street in JP. 
