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Re: Talk line up

WTKK hasn't really run any ads (in the newspaper or
on billboards) other than a few promoting Imus, and
the Globe and Herald listings don't offer much more
help... I do know that one night
I tuned in and heard Mike Barnicle on about 8 pm
or so, and last week I heard a repeat of Jay Severin
(a fave of Bob Bittner's!) about 10 pm-- but their
love/sex advice show went on as scheduled at 11 pm.

So it looks like Imus, then the Track... later on
they have Jay Severin 2-6 or 2-5 (repeating at
night) and so on. If the talk format fails on WTKK
I wonder if a failure to advertise it could be a

--- Bill O'Neill <billo@erols.com> wrote:
> Just noticed that FM Talk 96.9 put the Track on
> after Imus and moved
> Egan/Braude to 12-3.  No sweepers to describe any
> further changes.
> Bill O'Neill

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