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Bloomberg? Bloomberg? We don't need no stinkin' Bloomberg

After killing its locally-produced AM-drive show less 
than two weeks ago so that it could pick up the 
Bloomberg Morning Show, which had been dropped by WXKS 
(AM), and after (apparently) sending local AM-drive host 
Lindsy Parker to the beach, financial-talk WBNW (1120, 
Concord) was back to running a different satellite-
deliverd AM-drive show this morning. What aired between 
6:00 and 9:00 was the show from Colorado Springs-based 
Business News Network. WBNW had carried that program 
before the local show began six months or so ago. Could 
have been a screwup in WBNW's automation, a problem with 
the Bloomberg feed, or a _very_ short honeymoon between 
WBNW and Bloomberg.