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Re: WBZ Traffic

Roger Kirk <rkirk@VideoServer.com> wrote,

>Observations on WBZ radio Traffic reports:

>Tuesday - every traffic report from 9:23 thru 10:13 was intro'd
>(by the traffic reporter) as "Delta SkyWatch Traffic" 
>Sponsor or New Name for Shadow?

I suspect just sponsor, since they still close with "...WBZ 24 hour
Traffic Network."
I first noted it Tuesday @ 5:03am.


- -----
GEOCx (Waypoints):
   42.570/70.890  [          QTH:  Rounded to .010!  P=)   P=)   P=)   ]
  42.5380/70.9490 [ "Public" QTH:  P.O Box 3584, Peabody MA 01961-3584 ]
  42.3500/71.0540 [         Work:  South Station (GMF), Boston         ]
