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Re: Note about the Channel 5 Proceedings, 1957-1972

Joe Kennedy (the old man) was hellbent to get even when the HERALD refused
to help JFK win the Pulitzer Prize, and no doubt gave the Globe the
resources needed to dig up the proper dirt on Mr. Choate. 

The sad reality was that Boston Broadcasters was a scam from day one. From
the time they hired Bob Bennett from Metromedia, it was only a matter of
time before they sold the station to them. To BBI's credit, every original
employee was well taken care of after the sale, but it was the idea of
local ownership that got them the license in the first place.

When New England Television took control of WNAC-7 and became WNEV in the
early 80's, they at least tried to emulate what BBI had done 10 years
earlier. But between the "Dream Team" of Tom Ellis and Robyn Young and the
ill fated LOOK show, they never got it going.

At 12:00 AM 3/19/99 -0500, A. Joseph Ross wrote:
>This sort of hair-splitting is part of why I think it was just a political 
>power play.  I'm a liberal Democrat, and I hate to say it, but I think it 
>was a purely political ploy to screw a major Republican outlet in 
> A.Joseph Ross, J.D.                                 617.367.0468
> 15 Court Square                             lawyer@world.std.com
> Boston, MA 02108-2503              http://world.std.com/~lawyer/
